FAL - Fireworks Advertising Limited
FAL stands for Fireworks Advertising Limited
Here you will find, what does FAL stand for in Marketing under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Fireworks Advertising Limited? Fireworks Advertising Limited can be abbreviated as FAL What does FAL stand for? FAL stands for Fireworks Advertising Limited. What does Fireworks Advertising Limited mean?The Marketing company falls under marketing and advertising category and is located in Kampala, Kampala.
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Alternative definitions of FAL
- Fetch Archive Log
- Fusil Automatique Léger
- Fall River Gas Company
- Roma, Texas
- Frente Andaluz de Liberación
- Bitmap graphics (image header information) (Q0 format)
- ForAL
- frequency allocation list
View 98 other definitions of FAL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- FRH Fannin Regional Hospital
- FD Field of Dreams
- FWM Fast Web Media
- FMN Focus Media Network
- FWBBC Free Will Baptist Bible College
- FLC The Family Law Company
- FOML First Omni Mortgage Lending
- FISD Fulton Independent School District
- FF Fitz and Floyd
- FPBC Full Pak Bulk Containers
- FPPL Ficus Pax Private Limited
- FCA French Camp Academy
- FRG Fulcrum Research Group
- FSO Fun Science Organization
- FLSM Finger Lakes School of Massage
- FICF Fox International Channels France
- FPTTCL FPT Trading Company Limited